Unconditional Love (an Ode to my son)

I always heard about unconditional love and as I go through life the definition has changed often. A lot of people who say their love is unconditional have conditions to their love right under the surface, whether they know it or not and I am included sometimes in this group. 

I always thought I knew what unconditional love meant but found out I was wrong after Remy was born.  Now of course I have unconditional love for my son, I have had it since I thought about how to get pregnant but my biggest lesson on unconditional love is how Remy loves his Momma. No matter what I do and how many mistakes I make as a mom, Remy is always right there, saying it’s ok and loving me as much as always. I know as he grows into a teenager and an adult, the outward expression of his love may change but I know that love will be in his heart and in his mind. And for that I am truly grateful.




An old post