The Second Shot

Being scared to do something and doing it anyway could be a sign of bravery or a sign of stupidity. Usually the outcome of the act I am afraid to do is unknown and I will only know my results if I do that very act that is ambiguous. This is how I am feeling right now about my second Moderna COVID vaccine dose. I do plan on getting that shot later this morning anyway but the fear for this one is huge as many people experience significant side effects from it and who knows if the “cure” will be worse than the disease 🦠. I want to put it out there that I do think all those before me and after me are pretty bad-ass for getting the vaccine. I do feel a bit guilty about having the opportunity to get the vaccine at this time in the first place, there are many others who need it before me and cannot get it yet but I could not give either opportunity I had to another; that is not the way the system of distributing the vaccine works, trust me I would have done anything to give it to my dad but couldn’t, luckily it is finally his turn today for his first shot as well plus the more people who get the vaccine moves the process a tiny bit forward for the following groups. I know this is little consolation for the groups still waiting like teachers, grocery store employees working on the front lines everyday, and the people with underlying conditions (who seem to be continuously pushed back in the process). I cannot wait until the day where all who need and want the COVID vaccine are able to get it.


Masks we wear


Don’t Speak